Big Wins

  • Served as consulting partner for the Pima County Domestic Violence Coalition.
  • Secured more than $3.5M to transform the county’s response to domestic violence.
  • Systems Change and Transformational collaborative work between more than 20 partners (11 law enforcement, county attorney, local hospitals, victim service and civil legal providers).
  • With that funding, the coalition instituted a standardized inter-agency, law enforcement APRAIS Lethality Assessment conducted on every DV call, trained 1300+ law enforcement officers in DV trauma sensitivity and conducting of new lethality assessments, trained EMTs in the same, added two new victim advocates to the county victim services, supported additional hotline and shelter service increases due to lethality assessment implementation, trained nurses to conduct strangulation exam procedures, created a fund to pay for strangulation exams.

This work was transformational in its coalescing of government and nonprofit partner agencies who previously didn’t collaborate and/or that did not see the value in working together. We were able to create a systems change in the way all DV calls were responded to and prosecuted in the courts.


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